June 2024 Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders Meeting

Another year, another wildly popular Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting. For many investors, it’s a pilgrimage – a chance to glean wisdom from the one and only Warren Buffett. With Charlie Munger’s absence a somber note, the meeting began with the Berkshire Movie, a montage dedicated to the late vice-chairman, whose contributions were always celebrated by … Read more

Americans are Betting on Sports and Stocks in Record Numbers

Despite nearly 62% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, a record 68 million Americans found a way to bet on this year’s Super Bowl matchup between the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers. GeoComply, a global leader in advanced anti-fraud and geolocation compliance technologies for the last several years, has tracked geolocation checks during … Read more

2023 Q4 Investment Commentary

2023 Defies Predictions 2023 began the year with most economists predicting the economy would fall into a recession and the majority of investment strategists expecting stock markets to struggle. Defying these pessimistic forecasts, the economy grew at a 2.6% real rate (6% in nominal terms) and the S&P 500 earned a total return of 26%. … Read more

Tax Saving Strategy for Business Owners

Key Takeaways: You can save a lot in taxes by strategically planning charitable contributions before selling your business, resulting in substantial tax savings and increased charitable contributions. Donating a portion of the business to a charitable account requires careful planning and engagement with wealth managers, CPAs, and attorneys. The timing, analysis, and valuation involved make … Read more

2023 Q3 Investment Commentary

Several trends changed course in the third quarter as both stocks and bonds fell a er rising in the first half of 2023. The reversal reflected concerns about rising rates, Fitch’s downgrade of US Government debt, and the narrow avoidance of a government shutdown. Despite the negative quarter, signs in the economy are positive. The … Read more

Unraveling the Stocks vs. Bonds Debate

Tax Efficiency and Investment Gains: Unraveling the Stocks vs. Bonds Debate Key takeaways: Equity Risk Premium: The equity risk premium, ranging from 3.5% to 5.5%, represents the extra return expected from stocks due to their risk compared to safer investments. When combined with the 5% return from Treasury Bills, it suggests stocks may provide around … Read more

Generational Views on Financial Security: Survey Unveils Varied Perspectives

Bankrate.com recently shared the results of a survey they conducted and the results drew our attention. When asked, “What annual income would you need to feel financially secure/comfortable?” Bankrate reports the following: Gen Xers (1965-1980) felt they would need $273,000 per year Baby Boomers (1946-1964) thought $240,000 would suffice Interestingly, Millennials (1981-1996) agreed upon $224,000 … Read more